
May 25, 2012

Spruce up your popcorn

For a treat I like to add little sweets to my kid's popcorn.  It's especially fun on friday night movie nights:)
I give everyone their own dixie cup of popcorn.  You can really choose from almost anything to top your popcorn with.
M & M's
gummy bears
swedish fish
chocolate chips
yogurt covered raisins
dried cranberries

On this night I picked gummy bears, yogurt covered raisins, and mini marshmallows for our popcorn toppings.  It's just a way to change things up once in awhile.

May 04, 2012

Home Made Ball Pit

(please disregard my son's wounded forehead.  He fell off off his scooter the day before)

Since the weather has been beautiful lately, we've been practically living outside.  So, on this one day that it rained, it seemed like my kiddos had cabin fever worse than ever. 
I decided to pull out an oldy, but goodie that my ingenious husband thought of years ago. 
I took our old small baby pool that we bought from the dollar general store and blew it up.  We have about 4 bags of ball pit balls so I emptied a couple of bags into the pool and made our own ball pit.

Super easy and for some reason the fun lasted all day.  It worked out great and made my day lots more manageable.  (I only had to keep the puppy away from trying to chew holes in it:).